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young black woman sitting in a doctor's office and speaking to an unseen doctor
A New Shared Decision-Making Tool Empowers Patients in Fibroids Management

doctors on boston medical center's skull base surgery team wearing scrubs and walking down a hallway
Assembling a World-Class Skull Base Surgery Team to Provide Complex Care for All

children playing on the streets in a city neighborhood in the summer with the fire hydrant spraying water
Environmental Injustice Heats Up Health Risks for Kids in Marginalized Communities

david yun and christian arbalez of boston medical center pose in front of sign for Strengthening Essential Emergency Departments conference.
Emergency Departments Make the Case to Be Key Partners in Delivering Value-Based Care

How BMC Is Aiming for a Holistic Gender-Affirming Hospital Experience 

BMC Hosts Political Leaders for Roundtable on Housing as Healthcare

a photo of the boston medical center moakley green. it is a bright sunny day and blue skies are reflecting off of the windows.
A Letter From the Editor: Celebrating the Five-Year Anniversary of HealthCity 

children playing on the streets in a city neighborhood in the summer with the fire hydrant spraying water
Environmental Injustice Heats Up Health Risks for Kids in Marginalized Communities

david yun and christian arbalez of boston medical center pose in front of sign for Strengthening Essential Emergency Departments conference.
Emergency Departments Make the Case to Be Key Partners in Delivering Value-Based Care

Two people: a young Black boy with dreadlocks and his mother, a light-skinned woman with straight hair are walking on a suburban street on a cloudy day. They are both laughing
Boston Medical Center Is Featured in a New Mini Documentary Series About Innovation in Healthcare

How BMC Is Aiming for a Holistic Gender-Affirming Hospital Experience 

young black woman sitting in a doctor's office and speaking to an unseen doctor
A New Shared Decision-Making Tool Empowers Patients in Fibroids Management

doctors on boston medical center's skull base surgery team wearing scrubs and walking down a hallway
Assembling a World-Class Skull Base Surgery Team to Provide Complex Care for All

A group of three people smiling and facing the camera. On the right is a short white woman with caramel colored hair and glasses, next to her us a white man in a suit, next to him is a light skinned Latino man, also wearing a suit.
What Is the Role of Emergency Departments in the Future of Exceptional Care?

Four women are in a brightly-lit room, one white woman with light brown curly hair is standing at a podium. She is standing to the left of a screen with a white background and teal highlights. The screen says "expanding the role of nurses in SUD treatment." to the right of the screen are three seated people, one tall white woman with loose curls is fixing her hair, next to her is a short white woman, who is also smiling. Next to her is a Black woman. All three seated women are staring at the screen.
Boston Medical Center’s Addiction Conference Sparks Discussion on the Role of Nurses in SUD Treatment

Bisola Ojikutu, a black woman speaking at a podium at the together for hope addiction conference in boston
"We're All in This Together": BMC's Inaugural Addiction Conference Opens with Solidarity and Innovation Message

a young black woman with locs wearing a black dress and an older white woman with glasses are standing at a podium and microphone.
BMC's Inaugural Addiction Conference Will Convene Experts and People With Lived Experience to Spark Change

Health equity news from Boston Medical Center
HealthCity is dedicated to sharing the most cutting-edge news and ideas for advancing health equity, both locally and nationally.