Leadership Program for Employees of Color Benefits Health Equity

boston medical center pathways leadership program students

Innovation in medicine often brings to mind advanced surgical robotics or the latest breakthrough pharmaceutical drug. But innovation behind the scenes can be every bit as impactful. Such is the case for Pathways: A Leadership Acceleration Program, a recently developed initiative aimed at increasing inclusion and diversity at the leadership level across Boston Medical Center Health System. The program’s goal is simple but transformative: to help fast-track career advancement for high-potential employees of color within the institution.

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Coronavirus Challenges Highlight the Extent of Nursing’s Role

Close up of a nurse wearing a surgical mask

Recent news has given much attention to the pressure that’s on acute care facilities across the country as a result of COVID-19, but the pandemic has touched all aspects and areas of care. The chief nursing officer at Boston Medical Center, Nancy Gaden, DPN, RN, has lead her nursing team through incredible changes over the past…

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What’s Wrong With Being Called a Nurse?


A presentation on gender, femininity, and leadership in medicine recently caused a stir among the nurses on my staff. The presentation, originally delivered at a national conference by one of the emergency medicine residents at Boston Medical Center and later published on HealthCity, was generally well received, with the exception of a single sentence toward…

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