Posts Tagged ‘Drug Policy’
To Address ‘Mass and Cass’ Crisis, Transitional Housing Is Crucial
Low-barrier, temporary housing allows people with addiction to stabilize and prepare for transition into permanent housing.
Read MoreA Promising Program Pairs Housing Assistance with Injectable Opioid Agonist Treatment
At one year of the Ottawa-based program, retention rate was 77%. Now experts are looking at how it could inform opioid addiction treatment for the most vulnerable in the U.S.
Read MoreNew Buprenorphine Prescribing Rules Won’t Solve the Opioid Crisis
Miriam Komaromy, MD, medical director of BMC’s Grayken Center for Addiction cautions that the new rules don’t go far enough in addressing opioid overdose deaths.
Read MorePolitics, Policy, and the Opioid Epidemic With Michael Botticelli
Decades after the failed War on Drugs was declared, policies for significant, systemic change remain slow to materialize.
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